Choosing a Spot for Rainwater Tanks for Residential or Commercial Use
Nov 04, 20242 min read
Collecting and storing water using rainwater tanks is a sustainable solution to water shortages. Homeowners and business owners with limited property space can take advantage of free rainwater resources by installing slimline water tanks. Collected rainwater can be used and reused for cleaning or sanitising, gardening or farming and even drinking purposes. This reduces the cost needed to purchase fresh water for everyday use.
In choosing a spot for your rainwater tank, consider the following:
Council Regulations – Tank Dimensions and Location
Before installing rainwater tanks, make sure to check the rules and regulations of your local council. Some local councils specify the type and location of the tank to minimise disruptions in the area. For example, some local authorities indicate the distance of a tank from the property lines while others state that they should be completely hidden from view.
The size of your tank will depend on the space available on your property. So, if you have limited property space but want to collect and store rainwater, choose a small or slimline water tank. The location of the tank will depend on your utility lines. The tanks should be located near pipes, pumps and plumbing to minimise material and energy costs.
Piping System
When rain falls on rooftops, it trickles down into the gutter which is connected to the downpipe. The downpipe is connected to a series of other pipes that serve as the pathway of the rainwater leading into the tanks. If the pipes are above the ground, it is called a dry system, but if the pipes are underneath the ground, it is called a wet system. The piping system is designed to both be functional and discreet. The closer the tank is to the downpipe the fewer pipes you will need to install.
An overflow pipe should be connected to the drainage system. It is most commonly found directly below the downpipe.
Water Pressure and Plumbing
If you have thought of where you might use your rainwater the most, then it is best to place the tank closest to that area so that you require less plumbing to be able to access the resource. The water pressure will determine the necessary power of your pumps. If your property is located on higher ground, then placing your tank on lower ground would mean not needing to pressurise the water accessed in taps.
Strategically placing your water tank in your property helps save energy, space and money. If you are in need of such a rainwater tank for your property, turn to Rapid Plas. We manufacture durable and efficient storage tanks.
Rapid Plas has been operating for over 25 years. We have a range of high-quality polyethylene products that can withstand physical and chemical wear. We offer packages so you get the best deal in the market. All of our products are processed in-house under controlled conditions and are made to AS/NZS 4766. We are dedicated to helping local communities with their water management needs, promoting local jobs and businesses, in turn.
Get in touch with us today to install a rainwater tank in your property.